Monday, March 30, 2020

A Review of Zoey 101 by Diane Jakubas and Marina Jovanovic

A Review of Zoey 101 by Diane Jakubas and Marina JovanovicZoey 101 is the first official product to feature the spirit of celebrity tutoring. It is a sequel to Zoey's Chemistry, a popular children's book that was so popular that it was adapted into a successful TV show, The Secret Life of Pots. It follows on from the success of the original because it is very funny and you find yourself laughing out loud several times as you read through the book, just as you do when you watch the show.In Zoey's Chemistry, Zia, Zoey's chemistry teacher, introduces Zoey to her various teachers, or little brother, before introducing her to the world of science. They will be working together in Zoey's Chemistry to create a series of different substances with different properties that can be used to create different items. This concept continues in Zoey 101, where the two lead characters are going to be using their chemistry knowledge to make fun new items for themselves.As with Zoey's Chemistry, the mai n character, Zoey, is going to be using her chemistry knowledge to help create something in her life that she feels she might use to impress her chemistry tutor, Zia. As with the original book, the characters in this new book are people who are a little bit less than fully developed.Zoey's Chemistry tutor was a very interesting character in this book. She was much more than a teacher; she was also an author, who wrote her own books. We see that in this book, we'll also see that she isn't completely horrible and that she has some good points as well. The tutor herself is almost unbelievable in the way that she has developed over the years, she now has to battle with weight issues and has diabetes.Like Zoey, you will also be introduced to a teacher, called Pots, who is also somewhat unbelievable. Pots was a much older man who was passed over for a promotion, so he decided to take matters into his own hands and decided to teach kids instead. He teaches Zoey and later on you'll find out that he also taught the tutor and the teacher.The tutor, named Zia, is a very interesting character in Zoey 101. She wants to become a doctor in the future, but as soon as she gets this dream she puts everything she has into achieving it. She is a very bright girl and tries to help everyone around her, especially Zoey.Zoey's chemistry tutor is the real focus of the book and she is going to be the main character for the majority of the book. There is something about her that never fails to capture the attention of the reader, but all that seems to work against her is the fact that she really doesn't have much substance. At first you think that she might be the main character, but she really isn't until the end of the book.Although this book is not necessarily good, it is fun to read. It has plenty of humour and quite a few great characters. The first part of the book was a little bit slow, but by the end, everything has worked its way through, and the characters are at the forefront of the story.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is involved in the Year 6 SATs

What is involved in the Year 6 SATs The Key stage 2 SAT's are given to help both teachers and parents understand how well a child is doing compared to their peers and better understand their strengths and weaknesses. The SAT's are compulsory for all seven year old children (Key Stage 1) and all eleven year old children (Key Stage 2). The results of the Year 6 SAT's are used to measure how a child has improved from Key Stage 1 and even what kind of results they may expect from their GCSE's. What are the Key Stage 2 SAT's? Children are assessed and tested on what they have been learning at school and the tests are based on material from the curriculum. The 2016 SAT's have been reviewed and children that started Year 6 in September 2015 will be the first to take these new style tests. The changes include tests that are now based on actual topics learnt and more content based questions rather that just exploring a child's general ability. Also there will now be a new grammar, punctuation and spelling test which was not included in the past. The Year 6 SAT's have become more challenging with more focus on English and writing skills than before. When will the Year 6 SAT's take place? Children at the end of Year 6 will take the official SAT's in the week commencing 9th May 2016. The tests will take place as follows: Monday 9th May 2016 - English reading test: reading booklet and associated answer booklet. Tuesday 10th May 2016 - English grammar, punctuation and spelling test. Paper 1: short answer questions. Paper 2: spelling Wednesday 11th May 2016 - Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic test Paper 2: reasoning Thursday 12th May 2016 - Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning The weeks commencing 6th and 13th of June will be the science sampling test period although not all children will sit the science tests as only a number of schools are required to take part. For the children that will take these tests they will include: Physics Biology Chemistry All three science papers will take 25 minutes each. How are the Year 6 SAT's structured? The new Year 6 SAT's will now reflect the new curriculum and are set to be more difficult than past SAT papers. Key stage 2 children will sit tests in: Reading Spelling, punctuation and grammar Maths And the science papers (which as we mentioned before will not be compulsory for all children). Let's take a quick look at how these will be broken down: Key stage 2 - Reading The Year 6 reading test will be questions based on three passages of text. The children will have one hour to complete the test (including reading time). The test will include a selection of different questions types including things such as finding and copying a word that describes something in the story and numbering events that have happened in the passage to show the order in which they have occurred. Key stage 2 - Spelling, punctuation and grammar This test is made up of two parts: Grammar and punctuation paper - this will include questions such as identifying adjectives within a sentence and correct sentences that have missing punctuation. The children will be given 45 minutes to complete this test. Spelling Test - This is an aural test consisting of 20 words that will last for approximately 15 minutes. Key stage 2 - Maths The Year 6 Maths test will consist of three papers: Paper 1 - Arithmetic: where the child will need to answer questions that include multiplication and long division. Children will be given 30 minutes to complete this test. Papers 2 3 - Reasoning: these papers will include several different question types including multiple choice, completing charts, drawing shapes, giving the answer to a calculation, showing their approach to solving certain questions and true or false questions. Paper 2 and Paper 3 will be 40 minutes each paper. Key stage 2 - Science For those children that are selected to sit the science papers they will include: Biology - 25 minutes Physics - 25 minutes Chemistry - 25 minutes What kind of questions can a Year 6 child expect in the SAT's? The SAT's include the written tests as explained above and also include a teacher's assessment of subjects including writing, speaking, listening and science. The teacher assesses a child's progress throughout the year and their assessment is included in the results of the SAT's. Let's take a look at some example questions your child can expect for each of the different papers in the Year 6 SAT's. Key stage 2 - Reading The Year 6 SAT's reading test will comprise of a reading booklet and questions to follow. Examples of these tests can be found at where you will find samples of the reading booklets and sample questions that have to do with the text. You will also be able to read the papers on the mark schemes and what children are expected to achieve. Key stage 2 - Spelling, punctuation and grammar Paper 1 - grammar and punctuation The grammar and punctuation test will consist of two different types of answers: multiple choice and short answers. The children will be given 45 minutes to complete the test. Some example questions of what to expect are: 1. Tick the sentence that must end with a question mark. Tick one. a) What I wanted had already sold out b) What time did the film start c) I didn't know what to say d) Ask Ryan what he thinks about it 2. Which pair of verbs correctly completes the sentence below? Pluto ____ now called a dwarf planet, but once it ____ classified as a planet. Tick one. a) was / is b) was / was c) is / is d) is / was 2. Which sentence has been punctuated correctly? Tick one. a) Immediately after, dinner we did the washing up. b) Immediately after dinner we did, the washing up. c) Immediately after dinner, we did the washing up. d) Immediately, after dinner we did the washing up. 3. Which sentence below is written in the past tense? Tick one. a) That is the oldest house in our village. b) The original part of the house dates from 1760. c) The roof was replaced in 1970. d) The owners plan to open the house to the public. 4. Circle one verb in each underlined pair to complete the sentences using Standard English. a) We was/were planning to hold a cake sale at school. b) I was/were chose to design the posters. 5. Write the contracted form of the underlined words. That decision does not seem fair. 6. Circle all the pronouns in the following sentence: They bought new jumpers for themselves and a warm scarf for Dad. 7. Circle the two words in the sentence below that are synonyms of each other. He was lucky to win first prize - he knew it was fortunate that his closest rival had decided not to take part. 8. Rewrite the sentence below, adding a subordinate clause. Remember to punctuate your answer correctly. The children played on the swings. 9. Insert a pair of brackets in the correct place in the sentence below. Lisa who had been playing the piano since she was nine had achieved Grade 7. 10. Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make an adjective. Noun Adjective care nature mess danger beauty Source: Paper 2 - spelling The spelling test can take up to 30 minutes with 15 minutes of the actual test plus an extra 15 minutes additional time. The children will be given instructions to follow at the beginning of the test. The teacher will read twenty sentences. Each sentence has a word missing. They will be asked to listen carefully to the sentences and then the missing word and to write the correct spelling of the missing word in their answer booklet. Examples of these can be found at Key stage 2 - Maths Here are some examples of what kind of questions will be included in the Maths papers. Paper 1 - Arithmetic 979 + 100 = 1232 = 6.1 + 0.3 = 1,034 + 586 = 48 6 = 472 - 9 = 547= 1,44012 = 20% of 1,500 = 20 - 42 = Paper 2 - Reasoning 1. A pack of paper has 150 sheets. 4 children each take 7 sheets. How many sheets of paper are left in the packet? (please note: children are required to show their method of working) 2. What is 444 minutes in hours and minutes? 3. Here is a number written in Roman numerals. C X V Write this number in figures. 4. What number is halfway between 1.4 and 2.1? 5. Seven children measured their heights: Louise 136cm Stuart 144cm Regan 142cm Charlie 143cm Margaret 152cm Sharon 150cm Derek 148cm What is the mean height of the children? (please note: children are required to show their method of working) Paper 3 - Reasoning 1. Look at this number: 23,451.36 Write the digit that is in the hundreds place ______ Write the digit that is in the hundredths place ______ 2. Write the number 53,418 in words. 3. A bag of 5 lemons costs 1. A bag of 4 oranges costs 1.80. How much more does one orange cost than one lemon? 4. Two decimal numbers add together to equal 1. One of the numbers is 0.007. What is the other number? 5. The area of a rugby pitch is 6,108 square metres.A football pitch measures 112 metres long and 82 metres wide. How much larger is the area of the football pitch than the area of the rugby pitch? Source: Key stage 2 - Science Here are a couple of example questions you could expect to see in the Year 6 science SAT's: 1. James is finding out about the digestive system. Tick one of the following to show why we need a digestive system: a) To control how the body moves. b) To break down food for the body to absorb. c) To give support to the body. d) To transport blood around the body. 2. Fossils can give a lot of information about animals that lived in the past. Write true or false for each of the following statements about the pliosaur fossil: The pliosaur fossil could give us information about: a) how long ago the animal lived. b) what the animal ate. c) what the animal smelt like. d) what colour the animal's eyes were. e) how large the animal was. Source: SATs Papers What type of results can you expect? Children will be given a score based on the actual marks they get in the tests and will also receive scaled scores to show whether they have reached the national average. The minimum expected level for the end of Year 6 is a level 4 with a level 3 being below expectations and a level 5 above expectations. The SAT's are far more formal than those taken for key stage 1 and the papers are sent away to be marked. Results will be available for parents to collect before your child leaves primary school in July. To conclude The Year 6 SAT's are now tougher than ever before so helping your child prepare for these tests will not only build their confidence but ensure that they know what to expect. There are plenty of free resources on the internet and the help of a home tutor can also be an excellent way to help your child prepare.

Chemistry Atomic Structure Worksheets

Chemistry Atomic Structure WorksheetsThis article will teach you how to design a chemistry atomic structure worksheet. An atomic structure is the part of a chemical that is used to give an atom or molecules its individual identity. A typical one usually has a nucleus, an electron cloud surrounding it. These can be arranged in many different configurations, depending on the composition of the molecule.In most cases, the atoms in this structure are arranged in groups. There is an arrangement of hydrogen atoms, which gives them their water molecule. Often, the hydrogen atoms are placed in such a way that it makes the hydrogen bonds stronger than they actually are.Hydrogen bonds are those that exist between two atoms or molecules because they are very long. For example, a hydrogen bond has four elements instead of just three. The bonds between them are stronger than the others and each other, making the molecule more stable and reducing the possibility of them breaking apart.However, the re are several groups that do not have hydrogen bonds. These types of molecules have electrons on them, but they are arranged in a much different way than the ones that do have hydrogen bonds. For example, many bases exist, where the electrons are distributed in a certain pattern, with all of them having a different arrangement. These kinds of bonds can lead to very different reactions when compared to the ones that do have hydrogen bonds.One more important point to remember is that some of these groups can have many different combinations of electrons. This makes them strong compared to the ones that do not have any of these. These bonds can also be formed from combinations of other types of atoms.There are different types of molecules, which make up the groups that form these groups. Each group will have different bonds, so they can react differently than other kinds of molecules. Although the bonds can be made stronger than the ones that have no bond, they can also be made weaker than the ones that do have one.In short, you can create a chemistry atomic structure worksheet by using the right kind of chemistry knowledge. If you are interested in learning more about this subject, you can look at the links below. They are here to help you learn more about the topic.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Uncooked Schooling

Uncooked SchoolingNowadays, with the emergence of the Web 2.0 era, there are many new tutoring page in the World Wide Web. They offer the opportunity for students to be able to work from home while getting an additional income as well. It is a fact that the parents and teachers are spending lots of time in doing the early years education. There are some homeschoolers who want to concentrate on the later years education and this is where they have an advantage of being able to stay at home and get the extra cash to work from home.The web is a wonderful resource for learners in online learning because it provides learning materials that are online. These can be obtained using the resources that are available through search engines. Nowadays, most learning materials are provided through online tutoring. Some of these are on-line courses or online college courses, many are home study courses that the students can undertake through websites like teacher dot com, edutopia dot com and edviz dot com.Online learning has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages of online learning is that it provides a flexible and an easy to do learning method and the main disadvantage is that this type of learning is very expensive.Nowadays, many students and parents are working from home, but they want to keep all their resources in the same place and standard tools are used. The student might need computer access. For this purpose, the student needs to make a Google account and the student can search for his internet service provider. In this process, the student is able to get more internet access.The new tutoring page does not allow you to access the internet and use the search engines while you are working online. This is to prevent you from using other people's data or information. The new tutoring page uses the internet as your school and you can only go to that site when you have completed your assignment or the working is done.The new tutoring page is a good opportunity to get some lessons or work from home while staying at home and earning an extra income as well. Online learning can be a fantastic way to get more knowledge and skills and it also saves much time and effort and you can learn just about anything you wish to. There are many advantages that come with online learning, but it is also possible to use this method of learning in a negative way.Many parents and teachers have the misconception that online learning is an advantage in itself, and they do not even worry about the costs associated with it. This is a great way to get an educational advantage that will benefit you for years to come. There are many advantages and disadvantages that one can get from this method of learning. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which way you want to go in.

Personal Tutors for Professional Exams Tutoring

Personal Tutors for Professional Exams Tutoring Studying for Professional Exams as An Adult? Find The Best Tutoring Solution for You! ChaptersHow Can I Choose a Learning Provider or Private Tutor?How Will I Sit My Exams?As an adult, you might be looking to take an exam in order to progress in your career or move into a new profession. Adults can take all sorts of exams at all different levels, but finding the right learning resources and support isn't always easy.Exams in law, accounting, and medicine, for example, are commonly taken amongst adults who are training for a new career or a professional development. These courses need specialist attention and tutoring, which is very often carried out via distance learning through a specialised agency.Studying for exams as an adult can be frustrating, you just need to find the right support. Photo credit: lyonora via VisualHunt / CC BY-NCAnd it's not just specialised professional exams that adults need to sit. Some people find that, in order to move into a new career or progress to a certain level, they might need a GCSE or A-level in a subject that they don't already have any qualification or skill in at a fundamental level.Even more base level exams in adult numeracy and literacy require people to invest a lot of time and effort into preparation and practice. This is why many adults turn to private tutors.Private tutoring, whether an online tutor or at home, tutors can provide people with a fine-tuned education support alongside their studies from an expert. If you find a tutor with particular experience in tutoring for the exam you’re taking, then you’ll benefit from their expertise in the exam format as well as its content.Studying for an exam as an adult can be tough when you’re having to fit it around a full-time job and other responsibilities. It can be hard to know where to start with exam prep, let alone how to prepare properly and learn everything you need to.And that’s why hiring a personal tutor is such a great choice! You can meet whenever and wherever suits you, and you can even carry out your lessons via video chat if you d on’t have the time to travel around for face-to-face lessons.Some adults might find themselves opting to take a GCSE or A-level exam, whether in order to apply for a certain job or qualification, or to boost certain skills. This is much more difficult that if you were to take the exams at the target age group, as you are without the classroom education that most students receive in preparation.  The ODLQC is an independent organisation that inspects learning providers to make sure they are safe to use.The ODLQC also provide a link to the  Association of British Correspondence Colleges (ABCC). The ABCC is a reputable organisation which also provides details of the reliability and legitimacy of distance learning providers should you wish to check on something.From these websites you can get a good idea of what is on offer in terms of distance learning and compare your options.Sometimes learning providers for adults taking exams cannot always give the personal guidance and support th at you need in order to really get ready for your exams. Although you will receive the syllabus teaching you need, you might still feel a bit lost.This is where tutoring comes in really handy â€" and it’s pretty much necessary! Even if you are doing a distance learning course or attending a class, it is really beneficial to get some individually tailored support to help you with your course.A lot of adult learners still need that one-on-one teaching with a real life teacher. Whether online or in person, private tuition can be a great way to properly get ready for your exams and pass with flying colours.There are lots of ways to find a personal tutor, including looking for local adverts in your community, searching online and word of mouth. Finding a great private tutor isn’t always easy, so make sure you check for reviews and references when considering who to hire.Make sure you find the right tutor for you so that you can receive the right kind of teaching that you need. If you are taking an accounting qualification such as the ACA, for example, you might want to specify that your tutor has professional experience in accounting or experience teaching it.If you are studying for a specialist exam such as accounting or law for example, you will need to find a tutor who is a qualified expert in that area so that they can give you tailored and quality teaching and exam preparation.Do you need help apply to university? Find a tutor to help with your UCAS application.How Will I Sit My Exams?After all the effort you’ve put in to finding a learning provider or private tutor, it can be a bit tricky finding a place to actually sit the exams you are studying for.When you’re a student at school, college or university, you simply learn the course content in class and turn up to the exams at the end of the course. With distance learning, it’s up to you to do all the organisation and find somewhere to sit the exams.Once you’ve chosen a learning provider, don’t waste any time in finding somewhere to take your exams. Sit down and research for institutions in your local area, or even somewhere you could travel to.Finding somewhere to take your exams isn't always easy, but good research will help! Photo credit: albertogp123 via VisualHunt / CC BYThis can be fairly straightforward with many sorts of exam - particularly if you are studying for an exam which is part of the national curriculum such as a GCSE or an A-level, as you can register to take these exams as an external candidate at a local school or college, and this doesn't usually cost too much to do.For most lower-level study courses, you will most likely have to sit your exams at a college as an external candidate or at an exam centre, so leave yourself ample time to make the appropriate calls and applications so that you’re in time to sit the exam when you need to.For higher-level exams that are more specialised, you will most likely need to take these at a college which offers th e course, or at a test centre. You will need to check online or by phone if your exam is offered near you or somewhere you can travel to, and if you are eligible to register to sit it.Some people make the mistake of assuming that the fees they pay for their learning provider will also include the exam organisation and registration. In fact, your learning provider will provide you with course materials and tutor support, but the exam registration is up to you, the student.Make sure you factor in the costs of registering for exams when you start your course. If, for example, you are studying for A-levels and will need to register as an external candidate to take your exams, the costs of this can be around £37 per paper, depending on the exam board.Also be sure that you do everything with lots of time to spare. If you are late with registering to sit an exam, you run the risk of missing the deadline and thereby missing the exam session you wanted to sit. If you're in a rush to take an exam or need the qualification by a certain time, make sure you double-check the exam session dates and apply for the one you need in good time.Know someone about to sit the 11 plus exam? Read up on finding a tutor to study for the 11 plus exam.

The Cost of Visiting Rio de Janeiro

The Cost of Visiting Rio de Janeiro How Much Does It Cost to Visit Rio? ChaptersThe Cost of Flying to Rio de JaneiroWhat Are the Different Areas of Rio You Can Stay In?The Cost of Food in RioThe Cost of Tourist Attractions in Rio de JaneiroBudgeting for Transport in Rio“Brazil is not what you see but what you feel. Once you spend time here - a week, two weeks - you get in the vibe. It's really intoxicating.” - Francisco CostaThe cost of living in Brazil is around 50% lower than in the UK. Of course, this will depend on what you buy and how you live.While Rio is generally cheaper than São Paulo, it’s more expensive than the Brazilian countryside and other destinations that aren’t as popular as the Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, Sugarloaf Mountain, Corcovado, or the historic centre of Rio.For a couple travelling on a moderate budget, you’ll probably spend around £80 per day. Of course, this is an average budget and some tourists can spend as little as £45 per day and others closer to £150.Let’s have a closer look at how much it costs to tr avel to Brazil and visit Rio de Janeiro. IrineuPortuguese Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GabrielaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouisePortuguese Teacher 5.00 (2) £27/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RodrigoPortuguese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BlancaPortuguese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolinaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (6) £11/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Cost of Flying to Rio de JaneiroThe biggest expense will probably be the cost of flights to Rio de Janeiro. To get to South America from the UK, you’ll probably be looking at around £700 for return flights. These prices can skyrocket during busy periods such as during the Rio Carnival.During the 2016 Olympic Games, the cost of f lights was even crazier! Before you can enjoy Rio, you'll need to get your flights. (Source: gabyps)You can get direct flights from London with British Airways (11h15m) or change at Sao Paulo, Madrid, or Frankfurt.  There are also options from Manchester, Edinburgh, or Glasgow, all with transfers. Look on sites like Google Flights or Skyscanner.You’ll save more money on your flights if you’re flexible. Pensioners, freelancers, and students can benefit a lot from this.To get offers on flights and accommodation, there are also sites like Holiday Pirates.  For example, you can get deals for flights costing £300 returns.It’s all about finding the right deals at the right time so try to avoid getting your flights at the last minute as they’re more expensive.What Are the Different Areas of Rio You Can Stay In?Even though Rio costs less than the UK, the Real (the local currency), has been subject to inflation in recent years. After flights, accommodation will be your second biggest expense. Your accommodation will depend on your budget and tastes. (Source: Heibe)Accommodation in Rio de Janeiro can easily cost as much as staying in New York City or Paris. While the rich can easily afford this, those living in the favelas can’t...If you’re staying for around 2 weeks, it’s probably a good idea to look at sites like Airbnb or  Pay particular attention to where the accommodation is located as certain areas are not recommended for tourists. Rio is huge, after all! It’s 10 times the size of Paris and 1.5 times the size of New York City.The public transport isn’t great, either, so it’s probably a good idea to carefully choose the right area: Urca’s particularly safe, Lapa’s near the centre, by the Santa Teresa tram, or the beautiful beaches at Copacabana.This will all still depend on your budget!A night in a dormitory in a hostel can cost between £8 and £15 depending on where it is. The most expensive neighbourhoods include Ipanema, Copacabana, an d Leblon.The cost of the hotels will depend on their quality. A 1-start hotel can cost as little as £30 a night whereas a 5-star hotel can have rooms upwards of £150 per night.Airbnbs can cost between £25 and £65 a night in the Central Zone and South Zone (Santa Teresa, Botafogo, Ipanema, Leblon, Copacabana).Here are two places worth checking out:The Bike House in Ipanema: Around £30 for a double room with a lovely host.Che Lagarto in Ipanema/Leblon: Around £10 a night in a dormitory with a free caipirinha every night between 19:00 and 19:30.Find out more about the different parts of Rio.If you want to head to a restaurant that’s a little bit more expensive, the Marius Degustare offers a sweet and savoury buffer for 150 Reals (around £32) with seafood, Brazilian specialities like moqueca (Amazonian fish stew), vatapa, cheese, and desserts.To help you better understand the Brazilians, why not get Portuguese lessons?The Cost of Tourist Attractions in Rio de JaneiroWhen it com es to tourist attractions, the cost will depend on what you want to do. The must-see attractions aren’t very expensive. There are plenty of things to do in Rio, but they'll cost you. (Source: ASSY)Corcovado and Chris the Redeemer: 68 reals (around £15) in the high season if you take the train. You can climb it yourself (but it’s not recommended due to safety) and the entry fee is 22 reals (around £5) anyway.Sugarloaf Mountain: you can take the cable car up to the top of the mountain for an incredible view. This will cost 62 reals for a return trip (around £14).You can get ready for Carnaval at the Escola de Samba Acadêmicos do Salgueiro. You can get a guided tour and even attend the rehearsals of samba artists (they start preparing ages in advance). It’ll cost around £40 for the experience.The botanical garden: for 15 reals (under £4), you can enjoy the fresh air and many different species of plants.Ilha Grande: To get to this little slice of paradise, you need to get the ferry for an hour and a half for 14 reals ( £3). You can relax in the turquoise waters and enjoy the beautiful beaches on the largest island in Angra dos Reis.Free walking tours: You can enjoy a tour lasting between 2 and 2 and a half hours and discover Rio with a local guide. You have the choice of several different tours and ways to learn about Rio. At the end of the tour, you can give your guide a tip.Discover the best time to visit Rio.Budgeting for Transport in RioGetting around Rio via public transport isn’t easy. The bus network is complicated and not very practical, there’s no timetable anywhere to be found, and you pay the driver when you get on. To get to all the different parts of Rio, you'll need to travel around. (Source: ASSY)If you want to stop the bus, you need to make a big song and dance about it rather than the discrete button we have here in the UK. They’ll then stop wherever they can, leaving you to get through three or four lanes of traffic to get back to the path!If you’d prefer a safer way to get around, opt for the metro, which runs from 5:00 until midnight and serves the Central Zone and the main tourist areas. It’ll cost you around 3 or 4 reals a journey (under £1).Otherwise, you could always download 99pop, Brazil’s answer to Uber. You can pay by card through the app but it’s better to pay the driver directly in cash. It’s generally 20% cheaper than classic taxis.If you’ve got no internet connection, you can always get an official taxi; the ones with the red registration plate and the company name on the side. They’re quite affordable and you can find them anywhere.So how much are you plann ing to spend in Rio?Whether your visiting Copacabana beach, Ipanema beach, the statue of Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor), or spending your time poolside at a beach hotel, you might want to learn some Portuguese before you go. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of talented Portuguese tutors on Superprof who are ready to help you. There are three types of tutorial available, each with its advantages and disadvantages: group tutorials, online tutorials, and face-to-face tutorials.Group tutorials are great for those on a budget as you can share the cost of the tutor's time with the other students in attendance. It could be useful if you're going to Porto with a group of friends, though.Similarly, online tutorials are good if you're on a budget as the tutor doesn't have to travel and can, therefore, charge less per hour. Your tutor might even be from Brazil.Finally, face-to-face tutorials are between you and the tutor. This is the most costly type of tutorial but it's also the m ost cost-effective.

10 Free Guitar Videos to Help You Get Started

10 Free Guitar Videos to Help You Get Started Suzy S. Whether youre looking for an extra challenge between guitar lessons, or you need a refresher on some basic guitar concepts, YouTube is a treasure trove of instructional videos. But how do you find the best ones when there are so many free guitar videos out there? Follow these recommendations from guitar teacher Milton J. Congratulations on your decision to take guitar lessons! This incredible instrument has given me joy beyond belief ever since I picked it up when I was 13 years old. As you begin your journey to musical mastery, here are ten wonderful free guitar videos you can watch to help you get started shredding, strumming, and soloing towards guitar amazingness! 10 Free Guitar Videos This wonderful online teacher of Master Guitar Academy named Robert Renman provides a slew of lesson videos for beginning guitarists to the most seasoned ones. His introductory, two-part video on the Major Scale is a definitive must first-watch for a beginner. Scales are one of the first things you should learn on the guitar, and this video will help you master an important one. Part 1 Part 2 8 Chords Strumming In the next series of videos, Matt McCoy from the YouTube channel Acoustic Selection and our old friend Nate Savage from Guitar Lessons let you in on the few things they wish they had been taught when learning to play the guitar, as well as common mistakes even the most gifted of guitarists can make. 3 Things I Wish I was Taught 7 Common Mistakes In these next two free guitar videos, YouTube lesson provider Andy Crowley will teach you how to play a few songs! Nothing’s better than getting introduced to the guitar, chords, and then some songs, right? In these videos, Andy Crowley shows you a few chord progressions that can be used across multiple songs you may know, and some you may not but will grow to love as well! These videos will help you understand the parallels many of your favorite rock or pop songs make in their progressions, further encouraging you to continue with this wonderful instrument! 10 Songs with 2 Chords 10 Songs with 3 Chords Lastly, but certainly not least, learning major scale positions is very important to your development as a guitar player. These two videos should get you started in learning two tenets of major scales â€" pentatonic and diatonic major scales. What’s more is these scales will put you on your way to understanding melodies in your guitar playing and lead you to soloing as well! I’d advise you to take your time through both Marty’s pentatonic scale lessons and Mark Cote’s 5 Forms of the Diatonic Scale, as there’s a wealth of information in both that is best digested in smaller doses than just watching the video start to finish. The 5 Positions of the Major Scale The 5 Forms of the Diatonic Scale Bonus! Of course, we couldnt forget to include our guitar lessons playlist on YouTube, which is full of helpful tutorials on scales, arpeggios, and more! I hope all of these free guitar videos help you in your quest to become the very best guitarist you can be. Happy playing! Milton J. teaches guitar,  music performance, music recording,  piano, singing  and songwriting  in Corona, CA. He received a double Bachelor of Arts degree in  Ethnomusicology and African-American Studies  from University of California Davis, and is currently taking classes at  University of Redlands for his  Vocal Music Performance degree. Milton has been teaching students since 2011.  Learn more about Milton J. here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  Jono Colliver

Regrouping decimals

Regrouping decimals Decimals numbers representation is one of the most useful notations in math. In a decimal numbers the decimal dot is used separate the whole number part and the fractional part. The first number next to the decimal point is called the tenth place value. The second number next to the decimal point is called the hundredth place value. The third number next to the decimal point is called the thousandth place value and so on. Example 1: Show the place values and grouping of the digits in the decimal number 23.45? Solution: Here the number 23 is the whole number part. Where 3 is the ones place and 2 is the tenths place. The whole number part is separated by the fractional part by a decimal dot. The tenth decimal place value is 4. The hundredth decimal place value is 5. The number 23.45 can be grouped as the following: 23.45 = 20 + 3 + dot (.) + 4/10 + 5/100. Question: Multiple choice question (Pick the correct option.) What is the answer for the addition of the decimal number 2.3 + 4.5? a) 6.0 b) 6.5 c) 6.8 d) None of these. Correct answer: option c .Here the two decimal number 2.3 and 4.5 are to be added. First add the tenth decimal place values this gives 3 + 5 = 8. Now add the whole number part which gives 2 + 4 = 6 Now grouping the two decimal number gives: Answer: 2.3 + 4.5 = 6.8

Online Tutoring - Developing the students learning pace

Online Tutoring - Developing the student’s learning pace 0SHARESShare Tutor Pace teaching services are developed to encourage student performance in a positive and assertive online tutoring environment. We assure to deliver a service level that is attuned to be extremely helpful to all our students. The same service level agreement applies to English tutoring, Physics tutoring and other subjects. Online Tutoring: The only aspect that differs is the duration â€" we offer plan duration in the range of one month, three months, and six months.   Hours for English Tutoring, Physics Tutoring and other subjects vary in two categories 2 hours and 5 hours. All the plans are unlimited plans which work like an unlimited internet connection plan. Once you buy an unlimited 3 months plan, you can log in anytime during the 3 months to avail our online tutoring services. The online tutor will teach your child for the number of hours committed to you. The other important value-added online tutoring services that we provide are: Progress report, 24/7 availability and Cloud-based interactive Whiteboard! To simply put it in perspective: You can reach us any time during the day You don’t have to worry about clear screen viewing because we use a cloud-based interactive whiteboard A weekly/monthly progress report to make the students aware about their level of expertise in each subject The purpose of a progress report is two-fold: One is you get to know about your child’s progress and this means we are accountable Secondly, it helps our online tutors to customize the tutoring plan and focus more where the student requires more attention. We have not distinguished our services into basic, moderate and excellent because we only believe in offering excellence to every student. [starbox id=admin]